Tell Us Your Story
Have you been injured by a company or individual’s negligence? Record a voicemail of your story and if you are selected for inclusion in our advertising, we will send you a $100 gift card.
- You must click the button below from a phone or dial the number.
- Your recording must be clear.
- You must include your email address for us to send the gift card.
- Your name and personal info will be kept private and NOT be used publicly.
I agree to the terms and conditions
By leaving your voice recording, you give permission to to use your recording to spread awareness to others through advertisements online. Leaving your recording does not guarantee selection for advertising or delivery of gift card. Gift cards cannot be delivered unless the email address is clear and correct. If a gift card cannot be sent, your recording will not be used. If your recording is chosen, you may revoke permission at anytime after 90 days by emailing [email protected] from the email address used to receive the gift card.