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Medical Malpractice Damage Caps by State
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Does my state have a medical malpractice damage cap?
As of 2024, 29 states have a damage cap for medical malpractice settlements. Most these states have a soft damage cap that only limits the amount you could earn for non-economic damages, like pain and suffering. However, a few states have a hard total damage cap limiting the overall amount of damages that can be earned, including economic damages like medical bills or lost wages.
State | Non-Economic Damages Cap | Exceptions? |
Alaska | $200,000 | Raised to $400,000 in cases of wrongful death or severe impairment. |
California | $390,000 (2024 UPDATE) | Raised to $550,000 in cases of wrongful death. |
Colorado | $300,000 | TOTAL cap, including economic damages: $1 million. |
Hawaii | $375,000 | Only limits “pain and suffering” damages. |
Idaho | $430,740 (2022 UPDATE) | No cap if death was caused by willful or reckless misconduct. |
Indiana | $1.8 million (TOTAL, including economic damages) | For cases that occurred after 2019. |
Iowa | $250,000 | For severe impairment or wrongful death, the cap is raised to $1 million against doctors or clinics, and $2 million for hospitals. |
Louisiana | $500,000 (TOTAL, including economic damages) | - |
Maryland | $890,000 (2024 UPDATE) | $15,000 increase per year. Increases by 125% for wrongful death cases. |
Massachusetts | $500,000 | Cap is waived in cases of wrongful death or severe impairment. |
Michigan | Lower: $537,900 Upper: $960,500 | As of 2023, caps adjust yearly for inflation. |
Mississppi | $500,000 | - |
Missouri | $465,531 (2024 UPDATE) | Raised to $814,679 in cases of wrongful death or “catastrophic injury.” |
Montana | $250,000 | - |
Nebraska | $2.25 million | For cases occurring after 2014. |
Nevada | $350,000 | - |
New Mexico | $600,000 (TOTAL, including economic damages) | Independent providers only. Damages cap significantly raises when suing majority-owned facilities and hospitals. |
North Carolina | $656,730 | Raised every three years for inflation. |
North Dakota | $500,000 | - |
Ohio | $250,000, OR: 3x the plaintiff’s economic damages | Damages can only go up to $350,000. |
Oregon | $500,000* | *Applies ONLY to wrongful death cases. |
South Carolina | $546,869 (2024 UPDATE) | If there are over 3 defendants, cap raises to $1,637,608. Raises for inflation. |
South Dakota | $500,000 | - |
Tennessee | $500,000 | Raised to $1 million for wrongful death of a parent with surviving children. |
Texas | $250,000 | Raised to $500,000 if there is more than one defendant. |
Utah | $450,000 | - |
Virginia | $2.6 million (TOTAL, including economic damages) | This cap is as of 2023. Cap is determined by date of occurrence. Raises by $50,000 every year. |
West Virginia | $250,000 | Raised to $500,000 in cases of wrongful death or severe impairment. Adjusts yearly for inflation. |
Wisconsin | $750,000 | - |
File a medical malpractice claim
If you believe the hospital (or a specific doctor, surgeon, or nurse) that treated you failed to provide the level of care owed to you due to negligence, you may be eligible to file a claim to get compensated for your injuries or illness.
Ready to file a claim ?
See if you qualify to file a medical malpractice lawsuit.
Referenced Articles
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AB-35 Civil damages: medical malpractice, Ca. Civ. Code § 3333.2 (2022). Retrieved from https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB35
View more sources
Limitation of actions – medical or health care, Colo. Rev. Stat. § 13-80-102.5 (Casetext). Retrieved from https://casetext.com/statute/colorado-revised-statutes/title-13-courts-and-court-procedure/limitation-of-actions/article-80-limitations-personal-actions/section-13-80-1025-limitation-of-actions-medical-or-health-care
Section 663-8.7 – Limitation on pain and suffering, Haw. Rev. Stat. § 663-8.7 (Casetext). Retrieved from https://casetext.com/statute/hawaii-revised-statutes/division-4-courts-and-judicial-proceedings/title-36-civil-remedies-and-defenses-and-special-proceedings/chapter-663-tort-actions/part-i-liability-survival-of-actions/section-663-87-limitation-on-pain-and-suffering
LIMITATION ON NONECONOMIC DAMAGES, Idaho Code § 6-1603 (Casetext). Retrieved from https://casetext.com/statute/idaho-code/title-6-actions-in-particular-cases/chapter-16-periodic-payment-of-judgments-limitation-on-certain-tort-damages-and-liabilities/section-6-1603-limitation-on-noneconomic-damages
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Limitation of damages for pain and suffering, Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 231 § 60H. Retrieved from https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/PartIII/TitleII/Chapter231/Section60H
Claim for damages alleging medical malpractice; limitation on noneconomic damages; exceptions; itemizing damages into economic and noneconomic loss; “noneconomic loss” defined; adjusting limitations on noneconomic loss, Mich. Comp. Laws § 600.1483. Retrieved from https://www.legislature.mi.gov/Laws/MCL?objectName=MCL-600-1483
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Action for injury or death; maximum amount recoverable; settlement; manner; coverage; how treated, Neb. Rev. Stat. § 44-2825. Retrieved from https://nebraskalegislature.gov/laws/statutes.php?statute=44-2825
Limitation on amount of award for noneconomic damages, Nev. Rev. Stat. § 41A.035. Retrieved from https://www.leg.state.nv.us/nrs/nrs-041a.html
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Noneconomic damages limited – Reduction of award, N.D. Cent. Code § 32-42-02. Retrieved from https://ndlegis.gov/cencode/t32c42.pdf
Limitation on compensatory damages that represent economic loss, Ohio Rev. Code § 2323.43. Retrieved from https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-2323.43
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Noneconomic damages limit; exceptions; annual adjustment based on Consumer Price Index, S.C. Code § 15-32-220. Retrieved by https://www.scstatehouse.gov/code/t15c032.php
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Limitation on Noneconomic Damages, Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code § 74.301. Retrieved from https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/CP/htm/CP.74.htm
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Limit on liability for noneconomic loss, W. Va. Code § 55-7B-8. Retrieved from https://code.wvlegislature.gov/55-7B-8/
Medical malpractice; limitation of actions; limitation of damages; itemization of damages, Wis. Stat. § 893.55. Retrieved from https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/893/V/55