Rideshare Lawsuit

Companies like Uber and Lyft have been accused of failing to properly screen their employed drivers, leading to cases of sexual assault.

Phone displaying a generic rideshare app that's surrounded by statistics saying "2 out of 3 sexual assaults are not reported to the police" and "almost 13,000 reported rideshare assaults from 2017-2019"
Young women looking down at her phone while she waits for her rideshare driver.

Why are people suing rideshare companies?

Rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft have gotten massively popular in the last two decades, providing on-demand transportation anytime and almost anywhere in the country. However, the success of rideshare companies took a dark turn in 2015 when two women filed a lawsuit claiming that they were sexually assaulted by their Uber driver.

The lawsuit was settled in 2016, but more victims have since come forward with their own sexual assault claims. As of 2024, nearly 300 plaintiffs who were assaulted have sued Uber and Lyft for failing to properly screen their drivers in background checks.

How to qualify for the rideshare lawsuit

Anyone who suffered from assault while in an Uber or Lyft (whether they were a rider or a driver) within the last 10 years may be eligible to file a claim. Most claims are about sexual assault, but plaintiffs are also able to file for cases of assault and battery.

These are some (but not all) of the general and special damages plaintiffs may be able to collect:

Get a free case review today.

Ready to get in touch with a legal representative? Complete our short survey to determine if you qualify for a rideshare settlement.

What can I expect from my rideshare settlement?

While an exact amount is impossible to predict, previous verdicts range from tens of thousands to tens of millions. It’s important to note that your case will be individually assessed, meaning your settlement will not be shared with others. Our priority is to ensure the best possible outcome for you, not inflating attorney profits.

Image of "$160000" on a transparent background with a static number roulette
Icon of a hand holding a smartphone being called by an unknown number on a transparent background.

Our qualification process

Because we provide our services with legal advocates across the United States, you may receive a call with an unknown number or an area code you might not recognize.

What can I expect from my rideshare settlement?

While an exact amount is impossible to predict, previous verdicts range from tens of thousands to tens of millions. It’s important to note that your case will be individually assessed, meaning your settlement will not be shared with others. Our priority is to ensure the best possible outcome for you, not inflating attorney profits.

Image of "$160000" on a transparent background with a static number roulette
Icon of a hand holding a smartphone being called by an unknown number on a transparent background.

Our qualification process

Because we provide our services with legal advocates across the United States, you may receive a call with an unknown number or an area code you might not recognize.

Why Free Legal Reviews?

At Free Legal Reviews, we’re here to make your journey to justice easy and stress-free. Our network of skilled personal injury attorneys is ready to provide you with a free case review and fight for your rights on a contingency basis, meaning no upfront costs for you. 

We believe everyone deserves top-notch legal representation, and we’re excited to guide you every step of the way. Let us help you secure the compensation you deserve. With Free Legal Reviews, a brighter future is just a click away!

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If you’ve been injured by a prescription, medical device,
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Frequently asked questions about the rideshare lawsuit

If you have anything else you want to ask, reach out to us.

What exactly is sexual assault? How do I know if I was assaulted?

If any of the following actions happened without your consent, then you have been the victim of a sexual assault.


Note: if you were intoxicated, these still apply since you did not verbally consent.


  • Touching of an intimate body part.
  • Kissing of an intimate body part.
  • Attempted sexual intercourse.
  • Rape, or forced sexual intercourse.
  • Being forced to perform sexual acts.
What should I do after I was sexually assaulted?
If you have not received medical care, you should get evaluated by a sexual assault nurse examiner as soon as you can. It’s entirely your choice to accept or refuse a rape kit, but keep in mind that a rape kit will help you collect evidence against your attacker.

It’s crucially important to not delete any evidence of the incident, even though the memories may be painful to remember. In the Uber or Lyft app, be sure to take a screenshot of the ride request, proof of payment, the driver’s name, messages from the driver, and any other details. You should also file a report in the Uber or Lyft app to tell them what happened.
How much can I expect to win for a rideshare settlement?

The value of your settlement would depend on the monetary value of the damages you’ve incurred and other individual factors. Because these settlement amounts heavily vary for
different plaintiffs, we can only provide you with the average range of damages earned from the rideshare lawsuit. Rideshare settlements tend to fall between $100,000-$400,000 per case.

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